Thursday, 4 August 2011

EVENT: Mini NDP with FIGHTSABER @ Moutbatten Community Centre

Hey Geeks~

If you are into Starwars or into some HOT, LIGHTSPEED Lightsaber action, do drop by Mountbatten Community Club for a "Mini" NDP (national day parade). It's happening this Saturday,(Aug 6) @ 6.00PM and  "FightSaber" will be performing "live" for YOU!! Not only this, there are many other exciting performance and music line up for you too.
So if you are free this weekend, why not drop by with your love ones or family members to celebrate our Nation's 46th Birthday and enjoy the line up.

Venue: Moutbatten Community Club, ( just across Old Airport Road) @ 35 Jalan Satu Singapore 399479

Time: 6.00pm - 9.30pm

For more infomation on "FightSaber" do check out their website link on your left. or their Facebook page @ 


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