Sunday, 8 April 2012

First look on DOTA 2... FIRST BLOOD!

DOTA2 Logo
Hey fellow readers,

Today we have yet another exciting review to share with you guys. Recently, Geekalogy have a chance to get our hands and try on DOTA 2 thanks to our good friend Sharlene Tan and it totally blow us away from the original DOTA. Below is the brief history on DOTA for those that have not played or just started the game.

DOTA is short for Defence Of The Ancients. DOTA started out back in 2005 as a mod of the game Warcraft 3: Reign Of Chaos which was ported over to it's expansion Warcraft 3:Frozen Throne. The map in DOTA was based on one of the map, "Aeon of Strife" of StarCraft another Blizzard game before DOTA. When DOTA was first released by it's developers, it  took the world by storm, people from all over the world plays it, making it's way into the recognition of international & regional tournament such as the WCG (World Cyber Games) and Blizzard Convention. creating a name for it's own.

In DOTA 2, the game play is similar to those in DOTA, the only difference veteran players will notice is the UI (user-interface) of the game have changed drastically and also the sides. Instead of the Sentinel and the Scourge it have been renamed into the Radiant and the Dire. When one first started the game, you will notice that the merchants in the "base" area have been removed and combined into one single merchant selling to you everything you need. What's new is that now the merchant gives you a list of the recommended item built for each character, giving "new" players an easy way to purchase their item with out the worry of getting the wrong ones which will affects their game-play.

You will also noticed that the graphics in DOTA 2 have been given a boost. Charecter now looks even more authentic and lively. Effects such as fogs, sun rise and sunset is also projected in a really amazing way, giving you the player a different feel during each effect when playing.

Another change you also will notice is the skills of every character have moved and compacted into a row in the bottom mid of the game, making it really an ease to add your skills. Using your skills have never been easier too . In DOTA 2, you will be able to set 4 hotkeys of your choice to activate your skills, so now you can forget about those complicated hotkeys for every character as all charecter skills have been set into the 4 hotkeys that you determined.

If you are a hardcore DOTA gamer, I don't think I need to urge you to get the game as you might already have hidden your stash of saving somewhere for DOTA2. But for others who have just started or have not touched DOTA before, DOTA 2 is indeed something you want to invest in. :)
While waiting for the game to be released, why not sit back and read the DOTA comic "Tales from the secret shop". @

A  GREAT  THANKYOU to Sharlene Tan. You are the best!

PS: The secret shop's location have changed as well ;)

-Mr Geek
Dota 2 starting page
Connecting with sever view

Rushing mid tower

fighting creeps in action

All Pick Hero Selection View Broken into "STR, AGI, INT Hero"

Base shop

The Trone have been destroyed.


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